Distribution.pm man page


ProjectBuilder::Distribution, part of the project-builder.org - module dealing with distribution detection


This modules provides functions to allow detection of Linux distributions, and giving back some attributes concerning them.


  use ProjectBuilder::Distribution;

  # Return information on the running distro
  my $pbos = pb_distro_get_context();
  print "distro tuple: ".Dumper($pbos->name, $pbos->ver, $pbos->fam, $pbos->type, $pbos->pbsuf, $pbos->pbupd, $pbos->pbins, $pbos->arch)."\n";
  # Return information on the requested distro
  my $pbos = pb_distro_get_context("ubuntu-7.10-x86_64");
  print "distro tuple: ".Dumper($pbos->name, $pbos->ver, $pbos->fam, $pbos->type, $pbos->pbsuf, $pbos->pbupd, $pbos->pbins, $pbos->arch)."\n";
  # Return information on the running distro
  my ($ddir,$dver) = pb_distro_guess();



This function returns the mandatory configuration file used for api


This function returns the mandatory configuration file used for distribution/OS detection


This function returns the optional configuration file used for local customization


This function returns a hash of parameters indicating the distribution name, version, family, type of build system, suffix of packages, update command line, installation command line and architecture of the underlying Linux distribution. The value of the fields may be "unknown" in case the function was unable to recognize on which distribution it is running.

As an example, Ubuntu and Debian are in the same "du" family. As well as RedHat, RHEL, CentOS, fedora are on the same "rh" family. Mandriva, Open SuSE and Fedora have all the same "rpm" type of build system. Ubuntu and Debian have the same "deb" type of build system. And "fc" is the extension generated for all Fedora packages (Version will be added by pb). All this information is stored in an external configuration file typically at /etc/pb/pb.yml

When passing the distribution name and version as parameters, the pb_distro_init function returns the parameter of that distribution instead of the underlying one.

Cf: http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Admin/release-files.html Ideas taken from http://search.cpan.org/~kerberus/Linux-Distribution-0.14/lib/Linux/Distribution.pm


This function returns a list of 2 parameters indicating the distribution name and version of the underlying Linux distribution. The value of those 2 fields may be "unknown" in case the function was unable to recognize on which distribution it is running.

On my home machine it would currently report ("mandriva","2010.2").


This function returns the 5 lsb values LSB version, distribution ID, Description, release and codename. As entry it takes an optional parameter to specify whether the output is short or not.


This function install the packages passed as parameters on a distribution.


This function install the dependencies required to build the package on a distro. If $forcerepo is defined then do not assume packages are alredy installed, but reinstall them (useful if you add a repo which contains more up to date packages that you need) Dependencies can be passed as the 4th parameter in which case they are not computed


This function computes the dependencies indicated in the build file and return them as a string of packages to install


This function returns only the dependencies not yet installed


This function sets up potential additional repository for the setup phase


This function sets up potential additional repository to the build/install/test environment If done, it returns forcerepo if a repo was added, if not undef


This functionthe sets up in a generic way potential additional repository passed as a param It returns forcerepo if one was added, else undef


Given a pbos object (first param) and the generic key (second param), get the list of possible keys for looking up variable for filter names. The list will be sorted most-specific to least specific.


This internal function gets the parameters in the conf file from the most precise tuple up to default


This function gets the parameters in the conf file from the most precise tuple up to default


This function gets the parameters in the conf file from the most precise tuple up to default. Aborts of one param doesn't exist whereas it should


This function gets the parameters in the conf file passed as hash from the most precise tuple up to default


This function gets the OS context passed as parameter and return the corresponding distribution hash If passed undef or "" then auto-detects


This function prints every configuration parameter in order to help debug stacking issues with conf files. If a VM/VE/RM is given, restrict display to this distribution. If parameters are passed, restrict again the display to these values only.


The main Web site of the project is available at http://www.project-builder.org/. Bug reports should be filled using the trac instance of the project at http://trac.project-builder.org/.


None exists for the moment.


The Project-Builder.org team http://trac.project-builder.org/ lead by Bruno Cornec mailto:bruno@project-builder.org.


Project-Builder.org is distributed under the GPL v2.0 license described in the file COPYING included with the distribution.

 Distribution.pm man page