NAME ProjectBuilder::CMS, part of the DESCRIPTION This modules provides configuration management system functions suitable for pbinit calls. USAGE pb_cms_get_pkg This function returns the list of packages we are working on in a CMS action. The first parameter is the default list of packages from the configuration file. The second parameter is the optional list of packages from the configuration file. pb_cms_get_real_pkg This function returns the real name of a virtual package we are working on in a CMS action. It supports the following types: perl. The first parameter is the virtual package name pb_cms_create_authors This function creates a AUTHORS files for the project. It call it AUTHORS.pb if an AUTHORS file already exists. The first parameter is the source file for authors information. The second parameter is the directory where to create the final AUTHORS file. The third parameter is the schema of the CMS systems (svn, cvs, svn+ssh, ...) pb_cms_log This function creates a ChangeLog file for the project. The first parameter is the schema of the CMS systems (svn, cvs, svn+ssh, ...) The second parameter is the directory where the CMS content was checked out. The third parameter is the directory where to create the final ChangeLog file. The fourth parameter is unused. The fifth parameter is the source file for authors information. It may use a tool like svn2cl or cvs2cl to generate it if present, or the log file from the CMS if not. WEB SITES The main Web site of the project is available at . Bug reports should be filled using the trac instance of the project at . USER MAILING LIST None exists for the moment. AUTHORS The team lead by Bruno Cornec . COPYRIGHT is distributed under the GPL v2.0 license described in the file "COPYING" included with the distribution.